Welcome to the PTSD and Beyond Podcast with Dr. Deb Lindh, where we give you insights into PTSD, trauma, healing, recovery, and beyond! In each episode, we have a conversation with an inspiring guest who will stimulate your mind, touch your heart, connect with your spirit, and give you a greater understanding of yourself and others on this healing and recovery journey. Hopefully, we’ll also provide insights into possibilities, meaning, purpose, and hope. Thanks for listening and enjoy the podcast!

Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Bravery and Courage - Skills for Mental Wellness
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
Sunday Aug 02, 2020
What is bravery? What is courage? What's the difference between the two? How are bravery and courage skills for mental wellness?
In this week's PTSDandBeyond Podcast episode, Mark Gruesbeck, MA and I continue the #PTSDandBeyond global twitter chat topic and discuss the questions. We reflect on responses from our community and share insights on how each of us has bravery and courage through our lived experiences as wounded healers.
Comment. Share. Download.
Dr. Deb

Friday Jul 24, 2020
Keep Trying - Keep Doing
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Have you ever tried to change an old habit? What about you find that something isn't working in life and you try something new? While trying and doing, have you found that there's a cheerleader and even loud megaphone - one of criticism? Self-criticism, trauma tapes, stress, and that negative voice enters in when we don't see immediate change.
Listen to this episode of PTSD and Beyond for awareness, lessons, some shout-outs to peers, practitioners, and how to keep trying...keep doing!
Comment, download, and share! Please remember to visit our shop page, rep the swag, and support efforts to keep this podcast going as well as the global Twitter Chat every Monday @ 8pm ET
In love and light,
Dr. Deb

Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Inner Child Questions and Healing w/Dr. Deb
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Saturday Jul 11, 2020
Although we are adults, we are still children. We are someone's child no matter our age. Those of us with trauma, neglect, abandonment, and other child experiences, how do we deal with grief and mourning? How doe we deal with the sadness that comes from loss, the realization of what we didn't get...what we will never get...what we should have gotten...what we needed? How?
A Twitter follower, @RinkDancerMary, asks these questions. It's her questions that resulted in this podcast.
See...I used to think and feel the same way. I too had spent time and my life trying to make up for those losses in an unhealthy way. From lived experiences, I share with @PTSDandBeyond listeners what I did, how I did it, and how I am freed from that sadness, grief, and loss.
Listen. Comment. Download. Share.
In love and light,
Dr. Deb

Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Post Trauma Growth
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Post Trauma Growth. What is this phrase? What does it mean? How do we know if and when we've experienced growth from trauma? In this week's PTSD and Beyond podcast, I share with listeners my experiences with PTSD and post trauma growth, provide real-lived examples, and ways to recognize and cultivate growth after trauma.

Friday Jun 19, 2020
Clean Eating: Kristen Jakobitz
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Transform Your Health From Inside Out - Kristen Jakobitz
Every day we are bombarded with marketing and other types of information about what we should and shouldn't eat. A challenge is that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition. Every person is unique, each body is different, and what may work for one person, may not work for another.
What are we left to do?
One thing we can do is learn from other's stories. This week's PTSD and Beyond podcast guest is Holistic Health Coach, Kristen Jakobitz! Kristen shares her story of struggling with obesity and dieting to her determination on getting healthy by learning about the science of food and nutrition.
Fast forward to today, Kristen holds a certification as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and teaches others how to adopt a "clean eating" lifestyle. What is clean eating? Is it expensive to do? What are its benefits? During our conversation, Kristen answers these questions sharing insights and wisdom from personal experiences as well as practical tips folks can use now! BONUS: PTSD and Beyond listeners can download a free copy of Kristen's recipe book, "Clean Eating for Beginners."
For more information about Kristen, connect with her on:
Website: www.kristenjakobitz.com
Twitter: @KristenJakobitz
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristen_jakobitz/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristen-jakobitz-96774b11/

Thursday Jun 11, 2020
The Wounded Healer: Dr. Ahmed Hankir
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
Thursday Jun 11, 2020
"Recovery from mental health difficulties are a reality for the many and not for the few..." ~ Dr. Ahmed Hankir
Read that quote again from Dr. Ahmed Hankir. What two words stand out? Recovery and reality. When people think of overcoming mental health difficulties, too few believe that recovery is possible. In truth, recovery is a reality.
This week's PTSD and Beyond Podcast guest is Dr. Ahmed Hankir, award-winning psychiatrist from London, UK; also known as The Wounded Healer. Dr. Hankir is a front-line psychiatrist for the National Health Service (NHS) and has lectured to over 75,000 people in 19 countries on five continents. A published author and research fellow, Dr. Hankir's recognition for his services to public engagement and education includes awards such as the 2013 Royal College of Psychiatrists Foundation Doctor of the Year and the 2018 Royal College of Psychiatrists Core Psychiatric Trainee of the Year; which marks the highest level of achievement in psychiatry in the UK.
Dr. Hankir takes us on a journey as he shares his passion and his story of recovery from a debilitating episode of psychological distress from trauma and torture while in medical school. He considers himself an expert by lived experience first and psychiatrist second.
"The evidence is clear; people with lived/living experience have the power to reduce mental health related stigma and must operate at the vanguard of anti-stigma campaigns," states Dr. Hankir. People with lived/living experience of mental health conditions can recover and make meaningful and important contributions to our world.
We are all wounded healers. People need not suffer in silence and seeking help is a sign of strength! "If I can recover, you can recover," exclaims Dr. Hankir! PTSD and Beyond Podcast listeners will feel inspired, empowered, and compelled to join in Dr. Hankir's cultural revolution to erase mental health related sigma while realizing that recovery is a reality for the many and not for the few.
To learn more about Dr. Ahmed Hankir, connect with him at:
Website: www.AhmedHankir.com
Subscribe to Dr. Hankir's YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4wC-2VXii8XEx-O1hqxN5A
Twitter: @AhmedHankir
Other resources referenced in this PTSD and Beyond Podcast with Dr. Ahmed Hankir include:
Professor Sir Graham Thornicroft
Remember to listen, download, and share this week's PTSD and Beyond Podcast with guest Dr. Ahmed Hankir.

Friday Jun 05, 2020
Conversations with Mindful Leader, Mark Gruesbeck
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
"We need to heal and it starts with me." ~ Mark Gruesbeck
A career spanning over 25+ years in athletics, Mark Gruesbeck found himself traveling a new path. A different path. A path that some viewed as a complete opposite to his history of sports medicine and professional baseball.
What brought the change? Why now? Why not now? What is mindful leadership? What conversations need to happen in organization's to support people and bring balance back to life? How can we, as community leaders, support and serve others? What's a value of suffering?
This week's episode of PTSD and Beyond, listeners get a unique look into Mark's life changing decisions leading to a life of reflection, awareness, kindness, love, and growth. He shares with listeners struggles and how he's overcome strife, pain, and embraced a life of mindfulness, mindful leadership, and profound wisdom and lessons Mark shares with others.
Mark is a graduate of Atlantic University's Mindful Leadership program and continues to serve others with contemplative and mindfulness practices. To find more about Mark and his work, follow him on Twitter @GatcMark
What did you think of this episode? Comment. Share. Download.

Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Feedback. Doesn't that word automatically make you cringe? Why is that? Why does the word "feedback" automatically get a negative reaction? Part of the answer is our experiences have taught us that feedback was given when we did something wrong...so, feedback is associated with negativity. To further complicate matters, folks with PTSD and other mental health challenges can get triggered, experience hypervigilance, or even get super anxious when on the receiving end of feedback.
The good news is that our reactions to feedback can be positive! Feedback challenges can be over come with developing the people skills to trust that others are fair and receive feedback without fear or defensive reactionary behaviors!
How can I do that - you ask?!? Great question, btw...this week's PTSD and Beyond guest is the one and only Kate Nasser! Kate, aka The People Skills Coach™, has served F500 leaders for over 30 years teaching them the people skills needed to gain a sense of confidence and skill regarding feedback. She holds a Master's in Organizational Psychology and is the author of, Leading Morale, a book that focuses on treating people with respect and dignity! Kate is also the founder and host of the long-running global weekly Twitter Chat, #PeopleSkillsChat (Sunday at 10 a.m. ET).
This week's PTSD and Beyond episode is uplifting and validating as Kate shares with listeners and our PTSD and Beyond community the true meaning of feedback, how to identify what feedback is and is NOT, why mindset helps people overcome the fear of feedback, tips on building confidence when on the receiving end of feedback, and ways to practice giving and receiving feedback.
Being able to be open to other's views can empower people to live with less stress, more success, and even more confidence!
Give a listen to this week's PTSD and Beyond episode and download, share, comment, and to find out more about Kate Nasser and her services take a look here:
Kate Nasser, MA
Blog: www.KateNasser.com/articles
Twitter: @KateNasser
Twitter Chat: #PeopleSkillsChat every Sunday at 10 a.m. ET
Facebook: Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

Friday May 22, 2020
Overcoming Anxiety & Childhood Trauma with Gigi Langer, Ph.D.
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Growing up in an alcoholic home, Dr. Gigi Langer, shares her healing journey of overcoming trauma and anxiety. In this week's episode of PTSD and Beyond, Dr. Langer explains characteristics of adults with childhood trauma, how substance abuse, codependency, and sexual compulsions manifest in people with PTSD, and specific tools that can help people make healthier choices in their lives.
Dr. Langer shares details of her recovery including insights into why we cannot begin to heal until we stop numbing out with self-defeating choices and using cognitive, energetic, and spiritual sources were the biggest help in recovery which manifested into her book, 50 Ways to Worry Less Now, providing help to others!
Listen, download, share, and leave a comment about this week's PTSD and Beyond Podcast interview with Dr. Gigi Langer. To find more about Dr. Langer, her work, and to connect, visit Dr. Langer here:
Website: www.gigilanger.com
Twitter: @Gigi_Langer
Instagram: GigiLangerWorryLessNow

Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Holistic Health is something that's been around for years and yet, it still holds a mystery. In this week's episode of PTSD and Beyond, we welcome retired Lieutenant-Paramedic from the Alsip Fire Department, Tim Grutzius.
Tim shares his healing journey with PTSD and his mission to make this world a better place to live by assisting others in achieving a more balanced life. During this journey, Tim earned certifications from the American Council on Exercise in both Personal Training and Health Coaching. He also holds a Diploma in Holistic Health Practice and Certificate in Wellness Consulting from the American College of Healthcare Sciences. Additionally, he is certified as a Usui Reiki Master. All of these learnings lead to Tim creating Cent'Anni Life, a wellness services company.
One of Tim's favorite quotes is by Kate Forsyth: "May my heart be kind, my mind fierce, and my spirit brave."
For more information about Tim Grutzius, his wellness services, and Cent'Anni Life, you can find Tim here:
Web: Cent'Anni Life
Twitter: @Holisticff
Email: timothygrutzius@centannilife.com