Welcome to the PTSD and Beyond Podcast with Dr. Deb Lindh, where we give you insights into PTSD, trauma, healing, recovery, and beyond! In each episode, we have a conversation with an inspiring guest who will stimulate your mind, touch your heart, connect with your spirit, and give you a greater understanding of yourself and others on this healing and recovery journey. Hopefully, we’ll also provide insights into possibilities, meaning, purpose, and hope. Thanks for listening and enjoy the podcast!
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Episode 82: Share My Story with LaJune Singleton
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
“Start pouring into yourself…invest in you to heal,” LaJune Singleton
Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and Nutritional Lifestyle Coach, LaJune Singleton shares her healing journey story about grief and loss, physical injury, obesity, fitness, and women’s health. “Sometimes we say we forgive but we still hold on,” says LaJune. Give a listen and hear how though forgiveness, you can let go.
To learn more about LaJune, connect:
Web: LaJuneSingleton.com
Instagram: @LaJuneSingleton
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Episode 81: Share My Story with Dr. Deb Lindh
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
What comes to mind when you envision a warrior? Can a warrior armed with love, compassion, mindfulness, and the unbreakable spirit of a champion transform a world of chaos and trauma?
Today's PTSD and Beyond Podcast Episode 30 Stories in 30 Days features the founder, leader, and wounded healer at the heart of PTSD and Beyond, Dr. Deb Lindh.
Dr. Deb Lindh has traveled the world on her journey in preparation for fulfilling her purpose as a wounded healer and mental health warrior. Through her vast academic study that includes her Doctoral Dissertation on workplace stress, mindfulness based stress reduction and innovative measurement for Organizational Development and Employee Wellness, Dr. Deb set the foundation and path for her healing. Dr. Deb embodies authenticity, leadership, and mindfulness in her work with organizations to create space for healing. Dr. Deb has carried this compassionate warrior spirit throughout her career as an Amazon best-selling author, educator, entrepreneur, and podcast host and founder of PTSD and Beyond.
In this episode, Dr. Deb shares how her own experiences with trauma and PTSD set the foundation to become a cycle breaker, legacy builder, wounded healer, and mental health warrior in the spirit of love, compassion, and kindness. Dr. Deb’s journey guides us on a “Hero’s Journey” through PTSD and into the Beyond.
Connect with Dr. Deb at:
Web: DrDebLindh.com
email: drdeb@drdeblindh.com
Twitter: @DebraLindh
Instagram: @DrDebraLindh
LinkedIn: Debra Lindh
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Episode 80: Share My Story with Afrah Hameed
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
“I have a voice and it’s ok to use it,” Afrah Hameed
Breaking societal limitations and society’s expectations is powerhouse podcaster and mental health advocate, Afrah Hameed. Host of Screw the Stigma Podcast, Afrah talks about topics that are uncomfortable to break stigmas and to change perspectives about mental health, racism, sexism, body image, as well as social expectations. Give a listen to Afrah’s story and be truly inspired!
To learn more about Afrah, connect:
Podcast: Screw the Stigma
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Episode 79: Share My Story with Hary Potvin
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
Sunday Jun 13, 2021
“This is the moment that changes everything,” Harry Potvin
Fellow podcaster, former athlete, and rugby fan, Harry Potvin, is no stranger to sharing stories. His mission is to share his story as the catalyst to help men’s mental health. Harry was told many times too often to “man up” and put a mask on. These words led to lashing out. “Guys don’t talk about mental health or forgiveness and forgiving.” Listen to Harry as he shares his story of being bullied to his awareness of “that stupid voice was so wrong,” to opening up and advocating for men’s mental health.
To learn more about Harry, contact:
Podcast: The Mental Corner Podcast
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Episode 78: Share My Story with Kevin Clark
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
Saturday Jun 12, 2021
“You’re lovable just because you’re lovable,” Kevin Clark
Substance Abuse Counselor, author, and over 13 years of personal experience in recovery, Kevin Clark shares his story of healing and the awareness that we all have inner resources to become able to tap into to facilitate powerful healing. “Even underneath it, I always knew who I was…there was a spiritual awakening and I wanted to be loved…you’re lovable just because you’re lovable.” A beginning point of hope and healing is with Kevin’s book, The New Profit, which highlights his own healing journey where he started feeling seen and finding himself. Give a listen to Kevin and his dedication to finding safe people and safe spaces!
To learn more about Kevin, contact:
Web: ExcelsiorAddictionServices.com
Twitter: @ClarkMacnevin
Instagram: @Kevinmacnevinclark
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Episode 77: Share My Story with Elizabeth Sullivan
Friday Jun 11, 2021
Friday Jun 11, 2021
“Keep showing up, get good support, there is a ‘beyond,’ and there is hope,” says Elizabeth Sullivan, Founder and CEO of the non-profit Empower Survivors supporting childhood sexual abuse survivors. Elizabeth shares her healing journey moving from an angry person to one of gaining a better understanding of herself through empathy and love. Listen to her story, growth, and legacy!
To learn more about Elizabeth, connect:
Web: EmpowerSurvivors.net
Twitter: @EmpowerSurvivor
Facebook: Empower Survivors
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Episode 76: Share My Story with Mark Gruesbeck, M.A.
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Leaders talk about being mindful, authentic, and leading from the heart but is this what we see in today's leaders in the world?
Today's PTSD and Beyond Podcast Episode 30 Stories in 30 Days features one of our leaders and Board Members at PTSD and Beyond, Mark Gruesbeck, M.A.
Equipped with a graduate degree in Mindful Leadership, over 25 years in various leadership roles within Major League Baseball for the Giants and Tigers, Mark Gruesbeck knows what it means to embody mindful, authentic, and heart-based leadership. Being part of 3 World Series, Mark's leadership on the medical side as a trainer and mentor cultivated long-lasting relationships with some of the most vulnerable people in situations most only witnessed on television. He shares his own story of mental health challenges from some of those experiences as well as how he embraced mindfulness as a way to reflect, be present, grow, and continue growing while being a wounded-healer helping others on their healing journey.
To connect with Mark, find him on Twitter @GatcMark and LinkedIn
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
BONUS Episode with Dr. Paul Wong
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Who else knows the phrase, "no pain, no gain? Dr. Paul Wong, registered psychologist adds to that phrase with "no suffering, no healing." The Founding President of the International Network on Personal Meaning (INPM), Fellow of both the American Psychological Association and the Canadian Psychological Association, and author of more than 120 scholarly journal articles, 60 invited chapters, and 7 books, Dr. Wong continues his quest for contemplation, connection, and shared humanity and community.
In a world untouched by suffering, Dr. Wong joins the PTSD and Beyond podcast to talk about the importance of embracing our shadow self as well as the pain, suffering, and grieving of life. "Have you ever talked to your 'evil twin?' Your 'evil twin' gives you the guts to be rejected," states Dr. Wong. Through the delicate balance of the soul and the shadow, that balance and harmony leads to wisdom and freedom. Deep wisdom and freedom lies on the the other side of darkness.
"It takes courage, determination, promise, and consistency to see the light through the lens of darkness," Dr. Paul Wong.
To learn more about Dr. Wong or to attend the 11th Biennial International Meaning Conference, connect at:
Web: DrPaulWong.com
Web: Meaning.ca
Twitter: @PaulTPWong
Instagram: @INPMeaning
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Episode 75: Share My Story with Laki Nua
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
“Remember the smaller things you’ve done,” Laki Nua
Fellow podcaster and PTSD advocate, Laki Nua, joins PTSD and Beyond to share their stories of childhood, anxiety, depression, and how he overcame panic attacks. Laki’s mission is to help others feel connected, find ways to get help, and to remember that there’s a superpower in overcoming the odds! Give a listen to Laki’s lived-experience and stories.
For more information about Laki, connect:
Instagram: @MentalHealthCasual
Podcast: Mental Health Casual
YouTube: Mental Health Casual
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Episode 74: Share My Story with Dr. Phyllis Kahaney
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
“Compassion made me more empathetic,” says author and lived-experience PTSD survivor, Dr. Phyllis Kahaney, MSW
Big crowds still make Dr. Kahaney nervous. After experiencing bombing while in Israel and developing PTSD, she found that mental imagery helped overcome challenges and ways to make things ok. Dr. Kahaney appeared on a previous PTSD and Beyond Podcast episode and in this episode, she shares with us her strength, growth, and how seeing a problem can be a good thing.
For more information about Dr. Kahaney, connect: