Welcome to the PTSD and Beyond Podcast with Dr. Deb Lindh, where we give you insights into PTSD, trauma, healing, recovery, and beyond! In each episode, we have a conversation with an inspiring guest who will stimulate your mind, touch your heart, connect with your spirit, and give you a greater understanding of yourself and others on this healing and recovery journey. Hopefully, we’ll also provide insights into possibilities, meaning, purpose, and hope. Thanks for listening and enjoy the podcast!
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
EP 111: No Contact Anniversary
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
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Going "no contact" with anyone isn't an easy decision. The decision gets more complex and difficult the deeper the relationship.
Stigma surrounding going no contact with family members especially parents is one that the person making the decision faces.
How will people understand? What do you say? Is going "no contact" really the last resort? How does going "no contact" help with the healing and recovery? Do you ever get to a place where life is comfortable?
I went "no contact" with my biological mother 8 years ago. This year, I celebrate going "no contact" and this is my story that I share with you.
More on PTSD and Beyond:
For further information about the PTSD and Beyond Podcast, global #PTSDandBeyond Twitter Chat (every MON @ 8 p.m. ET), and PTSDandBeyond.org, connect at: Hello@PTSDandBeyond.org
Support PTSD and Beyond - Buy us a Ko-fi cuppa or support on Patreon!
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
EP 110: Notes from the Round Table with Michael Gillett
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Michael Gillett, MBA (Instagram: @RoundTableDynamics) is a business owner, author, executive coach, and trauma survivor. Michael joins PTSD and Beyond to share his awareness moment and what inspired him to write the book: Note from the Round Table.
"I had friends and co-workers who died of heart attack or stroke in their early 50s, due to prolonged exposure to stress at work. I too was slowly killing myself due to not listening to my body and not feeding my soul. I did not realize I was sick until it was almost too late," Michael Gillett
In this episode, we discuss:
~ What can be done to feed happiness and the soul?
~ How to create safe spaces in the workplace?
~ One simple thing to bring happiness
~ How to instantly create peace and calm
~ 3 Steps leaders can do to reduce stress and increase collaboration
~ Excerpts from the book: Notes from the Round Table
Related links:
Follow Mike Gillett on Instagram, order Notes from the Round Table, and connect at his website: RoundTableDynamics.com
More on PTSD and Beyond:
For further information about the PTSD and Beyond Podcast, global #PTSDandBeyond Twitter Chat (every MON @ 8 p.m. ET), and PTSDandBeyond.org, connect at: Hello@PTSDandBeyond.org
Monday Oct 11, 2021
EP: 109 Never Say Never
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Monday Oct 11, 2021
Never. What comes to mind when reading or even saying this word...never.
When we say the word "never," depending on the context, it can have all or nothing thinking and that type of thinking can have a negative impact on mental health, relationships, goals, __________.
Is there a positive side to the word never?
Give a listen...you'll never know unless you do!
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
EP 108: Becoming Aware with Dr. Dan J. Siegel, MD
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Dr. Dan Siegel (Twitter: @DrDanSiegel) is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and the founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA. Dr. Siegel is also the Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute, an educational organization which focuses on how the development of mindsight in individuals, families, and communities can be enhanced by examining the interface of human relationships and basic biological processes.
Dr. Siegel's is a published author for the professional audiences as well as has five New York Times bestselling books. His most recent release, Becoming Aware: A 21-Day Mindfulness Program for Reducing Anxiety and Cultivating Calm, is now available at Barnes and Noble.
In this episode, we discuss:
~ What is awareness?
~ How does a still developing brain at ages 18-22 affect PTSD with combat vets?
~ The integration of the Wheel of Awareness
~ Focal and non-focal attention
~ Brain remodeling and an integrated brain
~ Building inner resilience
~ How becoming aware is an active agent of change
Show sponsor:
PTSD unplugged <== How to Leave the War Behind Us; written by Dr. Pamela Hall, forensic psychologist and 35+ year expert in psychological trauma injury and recovery. PTSD Unplugged is a guidebook for combat survivors and their families that will help us all leave the war behind.
Related links:
Follow Dr. Siegel on Instagram and connect at his website: Dr.Dan Siegel.com
For further information about the PTSD and Beyond Podcast, global #PTSDandBeyond Twitter Chat (every MON @ 8 p.m. ET), and PTSDandBeyond.org, connect at: Hello@PTSDandBeyond.org
Friday Oct 01, 2021
EP: 107 - Becoming Aware & Awareness
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
What is awareness? Got 10 seconds? Good! Take the next 10 seconds and take notice. What do you become aware of? What did you notice now that you didn't before?
This episode of PTSD and Beyond, Dr. Deb talks about becoming aware, awareness, and how those are linked to our upcoming PTSD and Beyond Global Twitter Chat as well as next week's podcast guest, Dr. Dan Siegel and his new book, Becoming Aware.
Listen. Download. Share. Subscribe.
For more about PTSD and Beyond, Join us every MONDAY @ 8pm ET on Twitter for our global peer-lead community >> follow the hashtag #PTSDandBeyond
Connect with us at: ptsdandbeyond.org and Hello@PTSDandBeyond.org
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
EP 106: Financial Trauma with Dr. Galen Buckwalter
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
"Finances are hard. Financial life is hard. It's possible to get ahead of the stress,"
Dr. Galen Buckwalter
Approaching a 2 year mark since the World Health Organization declared Coronavirus/COVID-19 a public health emergency, people around the world continue to feel the effects of the pandemic. One effect is the increased concern about money and finances. Financial stress is a major problem and causing people to experience PTSD-like symptoms ranging from fear, hypervigilance around money, anxiety, avoidance of financial tasks, nightmares, and physical and mental ailments.
This week's PTSD and Beyond podcast guest is world-renowned psychological research scientist, academician, former Chief Science Officer at eHarmony and Payoff, and President of PsyML, a financial consulting company is Dr. Galen Buckwalter. For over 25 years, Dr. Buckwalter's research studies on PTSD at the University of Southern California along with financial research showed 23 percent of adults and 36 percent of millennials experience financial stress at levels that qualify as a diagnosis of PTSD.
"We need to help take the edge-off and help people learn about emotional patterns linked to money and finances...to have a better control of emotional responses. It's all about the person," says Dr. Buckwalter.
To connect with Dr. Buckwater find him at:
Twitter: @JGBuckwalter
Web: PsyML.co
Listen. Download. Share. Subscribe. Sponsor
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
EP 105: Normalizing Mental Health for Healthcare Workers with Dr. McElroy
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Thursday Sep 23, 2021
Who takes care of the healthcare workers when the healthcare workers are taking care of everyone? Healthcare workers are facing burnout at alarming rates and this is leading to mental health challenges. "Normalizing talking about mental health is so no one needs to suffer quietly," says Dr. Imani McElroy, MD, resident physician at Massachusetts General Hospital.
In this PTSD and Beyond Podcast episode, Dr. McElroy talks about the emotional strain and outcomes facing healthcare workers. The extraneous hours associated with the pandemic are dangerous and the need to normalize mental health is a rescue to those who rescue us.
Dr. McElroy points out the importance of peer-support, mentors, and the need to reach out. Give a listen. Share with others and folks in healthcare.
To connect with Dr. McElroy, reach out here:
Web: LinkTree
Twitter: @IEMcElroy
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Episode 104: 9/11 and Post-Traumatic with John Feal
Friday Sep 10, 2021
Friday Sep 10, 2021
"Don't accept 'no' when people are suffering, "
John Feal, 9/11 Survivor and Advocate
On the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, we are honored to have John Feal join as guest on this week's PTSD and Beyond Podcast. John shares his story, journey, and mission to advocate for 9/11 survivors including addressing the need for lobbying members of the U.S. Congress and Senate to provide additional funding to 9/11 responders.
The founder of the Feal Good Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to advocating for first responder rights and educating elected officials and private entities on the serious challenges first responders face in their everyday lives.
"You die one time...You live every day," John Feal
Give a listen to this very moving and emotional episode. Share. Download and be reach out to John at:
Twitter: @JohnFeal2
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Episode 103: Questions, Curiosity, and Mental Health with George Styles
Friday Aug 27, 2021
Friday Aug 27, 2021
What is it about questions that makes us wonder? How is it that curiosity can support mental health? What questions can increase mental health?
Today's PTSD and Beyond Podcast guest is Twitter Question Creator Extraordinaire George Styles! George talks with us about how questions are a way to understand and a way of knowing.
"Mental health is everything. Asking the question, 'why do it that way?' We can get lost vs. knowing here we're going with things," George Styles
When we seek to understand from a place of curiosity, questions can arise that supports mental health as well as validates, creates resilience, and is the first thing we want to do and the last thing we want to do each day.
Connect with George Styles at:
Twitter: @GeoStyleGeo
Web: The Styles G
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Modern day mental health services typically involves 2 primary modes of treatment:
~ 10-20 minute assessment
~ Prescription
~ Psychotherapy
I can attest, that was my lived-experience. The staggering number of prescriptions being written from GP's to Psychiatrist has dramatically increased in the past 25 years. However, if effective then wouldn't most people receiving mental health services feel better and live better lives?
"The drugs create more disability and misdiagnosis. For some a lifetime of impairment," Dr. McFillin
Today's PTSD and Beyond Podcast guest is Dr. Roger McFillin, Psy.D., ABPP who's conversations, advocacy, and private practice champions the voice of talking about clinical trials, ethics, and exposure of the realities of those he treats and some facing a lifetime of impairment due to drugs.
To learn more about Dr. McFillin, follow him:
Twitter: @DrMcFillin_PsyD
Web: Center for Integrated Behavioral Health
Instagram: Center for IBH
Listen. Download. Subscribe. Share.